
Der Authenticator steht in der neuen Version für Sie zur Verfügung!

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Release Authenticator

Release Notes werden ab dem 19.08.2024 nur auf der Fachportal-Seite verfügbar sein: Authenticator Release Notes

Version 4.11.0 (2024-05-02)


  • Action-Buttons on the Settings-Screen now stay in the view while scrolling in order to enhance our UX
  • Set default connector port to 443
  • Default-configuration feature


  • Prioritize the read environment variable logic to read the correct config.json file on startup
  • Clean application files properly after uninstalling


  • Prevent starting Authenticator with remote-debugging parameters

Version 4.10.0 (2024-03-07)


  • Hover-Effect to the navigation bar and renaming "Anmeldung" to "Home" for an improved UX
  • New certificate for connectors
  • Functionality test for HBA usage
  • Option to disable IdP TLS verification in Mock Mode


  • The "ClientView-Machine-Name"-variable is now being read properly
  • Error handling improved for incorrectly formatted config files
  • Save target directory for certificates has been fixed for central configuration
  • Disable Devtool for production
  • Prevent multiple entries in the Credential Manager

Version 4.9.0 (2024-02-13)


  • Migration for credentials from config.json to windows Credential Manager (only Standalone Installation)
  • UserConsent dialog
  • Input validation for proxy settings and allow-list
  • FQDN support for proxy settings
  • Authenticator checksum hash value for prod and mock versions
  • SBOM (Software Bills of Material)
  • Prod and Mock Version now both are signed
  • Customisable timeout option for HTTP requests


  • Using axios as the HTTP client instead of fetch
  • Config.json is now more readable 
  • Log-File is now more readable


  • change Nodejs to Version 20
  • Prod version no longer contains mock codes
  • New signing certificate for Windows

Version 4.8.1 (2023-12-13)


  • Fixed Proxy Validation
  • Fixed Logging issue

Version 4.8.0 (2023-12-05)


  • Deactivation of OS proxy settings now requires mandatory Proxy Address and Port fields entries
  • IP Validation added for Proxy Ignore List in Settings Page
  • Sensitive data is now stored using the Credential Manager
  • New Help page with informative links for better understanding


  • SMC-B flow crash after successful HBA flow issue fixed
  • Improved URL parsing mechanism for accurate identification of host and path in IDP service
  • Config.json storage path adjusted for specified ENV parameters
  • Empty environment variable changes are now ignored
  • Function tests now include only PU IDP endpoints
  • Enhanced logic for IDP domain name definition

Version 4.7.0 (2023-11-01)


  • Introduced XenDesktop support
  • Added asterisks support for the Proxy setting "kein Proxy für"
  • Introduced manual proxy settings
  • Integrated VueJs 3 across the entire project
  • Introduced a Save button after functional tests
  • Opted out of creating a desktop icon during installation
  • Made the app MacOS compatible (for development only)
  • Prevented auto-updates on mock-versions


  • Streamlined "environment variables check" for more efficient handling
  • Enhanced logic for retrieving the config path
  • Refined deeplink validation mechanism
  • Ensured case sensitivity handling for card types
  • Correctly parsed string boolean values to actual booleans
  • Removed redundant vue.config.js file from the project


  • Each HBA now has a unique UserID

Version 4.6.0 (2023-09-06)


  • Implemented a new card type "MULTI" to login via HBA & SMC-B with one click
  • The Authenticator now handles multiple authentication requests properly
  • User-friendly error messages with hints to solve the problem


  • The deinstallation process now works in all known cases


  • Include a security.md file
  • Updated the packages

Version 4.5.0 (2023-08-08)


  • Support of windows server ( >= 2016 )
  • P12-Certificates support combination of ECC & RSA
  • New error message, if HBA smart card is in use


  • Clean deinstallation of authenticator
  • Increased timeout of PU IDP TI


  • Updated packages

Version 4.4.1 (2023-07-18)


  • Added CA Certificates for IDP internet and TI endpoint to Authenticator truststore (RU & PU)

Version 4.4.0 (2023-07-07)


  • Support for the new cardType parameter in Challenge Path
  • Using the OS Truststore for auto redirect call


  • Using the Person_ID and Institution_ID information for defining cardType in scope parameter of Challenge Path


  • Solve Jest bug with node 18
  • The Authenticator appears in the foreground when multiple cards are found
  • Fixed multiple instance issue

Version 4.3.0 (2023-06-08)


  • Packages and dependencies were updated


  • Bugfix in back- and foreground function of the Authenticator
  • Bugfix function test while using TLS certificates

Version 4.2.1 - HotFix (2023-05-25)


  • Defining Mock-Mode logic fixed
  • Log level issue fixed
  • Allowed Protocol types issue fixed

Version 4.2.0 (2023-05-15)


  • Support P12-Files (RSA) for TLS-Authentication
  • Log more necessary details on Mock Mode
  • Read VMWare Env. Variables "VIEWCLIENT_MACHINE_NAME" from registry feature
  • Cancel feature for the ongoing function test
  • Make function tests without updating the config file on the fly


  • Logging for multi-card-scenarios reduced + bugfix
  • Support for "wandernde session" repaired (Refresh)
  • User-Agent added for auto-redirect calls
  • Remove wrong error log on Multi-Card found event
  • Construction of certificate path on upload process fixed
  • Default values for Settings form
  • The old auth flow process "OGR Flow" has been removed

Version 4.1.0 (2023-04-07)


  • Implementation of the support for multiple HBAs being used simultaneously
  • User-Dialog will appear, where the user is able to select the desired HBA for the auth. flow
  • Repositories "resource-server" and "vue-example-app" were combined
  • Decreased the amount of unnecessary logs significantly
  • Packages and dependencies were updated
  • Content Security Policy added and Electron security has been improved


  • Some parameters of a callback were not encoded correctly

Version 4.0.0 (2023-03-22)


  • new Button to create a ZIP-File of the authenticator created log-files
  • Multi-SMC-B support with User-Dialog for selecting the desired SMC-B for the Auth. Flow
  • Improved handling of HBAs with active transport Pin. A new Error-Message will be displayed that should help with identifying active transport pins and what to do with them.
  • Tooltips for Settings Dialog
  • Localhost as interface / entry point removed
  • Link to “Wissensdatenbank” in function test dialog
  • Settings dialog error messages optimized
  • Redirect to web application as an alternative to browser open
  • OAuth2 conform handling of IDP errors
  • sends an error_uri and the associated state in case of an error
  • function test logging of not valid certificates


  • User Certificates get no longer lost after update
  • UX : Spinner in connection tests + Insert Card + Pin
  • citrix "wandernde sessions"
  • fix for the installation process

Version 3.1.0 (2023-02-06)


  • Support own proxy ignore list
  • Hide the release number info in the Authenticator App and show it only per tooltip
  • Disable the deprecated local endpoint (port)
  • Admininstrator
    • Function test to check if all certificates in certificate store (C:\Program Files\gematik Authenticator\resources\certs-idp & C:\Program Files\gematik Authenticator\resources\certs-konnektor) are valid and in the correct file format


  • Citrix
    • App crashes if the config directory doesn't exist
    • If the save action fails because of missing Write Permission user receives no reaction
  • UX
    • Konnektor settings in Authenticator are lost in a session if mock mode was enabled
  • Error "self-signed certificate in certificate chain"
  • Error logging fails on HTTP error cases
  • Deep Link Uri - Conformity to RFC3986
  • Cancel ongoing Auto-Update process if user changes the settings
  • Faulty card handle processing with unplugged cards (HBA or SMC-B)
  • Switching between the selection "Zertifikat" and "Benutername/Passwort" and vice-versa does not leave out the json-config
  • Wrong error code when changing the settings ClientID
  • The mock version should reach all known IDPs and the prod version the PU-IDP(s) in the function test
  • Wrong flow after pressing the "Abbrechen" button in the "PIN-Eingabe" dialog at Z-IDP
  • Proxy PAC Files with n proxies for one url → use the proxy with the highest priority
  • Wrong ProxyAgent for destination address
  • Disabled false http 302 redirect to browser


  • Do not log sensitive data in the mock version
  • Unauthenticated degradation of local availability (z.B.: DoS with CURL)

Version 3.0.1 (2022-12-08)


  • Added userAgent to request headers on IDP

Version 3.0.0 (2022-11-30)


  • Central configuration option for decentralized installations
  • Configurable auto-update function
  • Conformance check for certificate-based authentication


  • Better protection against man-in-the-middle attacks
  • Domain specific error management

Version 2.4.0 (2022-10-17)


  • UI/UX Optimization:
    • Removal the scroll function
    • Query via dialog before saving the settings
  • Optimization and provision of the logs for the mock variant during communication between authenticator and Connector or IDP
  • Optimized log output for the error log level
  • Improvement of functional tests


  • Disabled the option to open a new instance of the authenticator via hotkey

Version 2.3.0 (2022-09-15)


  • UI/UX Improvement for the function test and checking the input fields
  • UI/UX Paths of the key and the certificate readable by mouseover
  • Improved function test output for easier error analysis
  • Supply a mock variant for developers and testers in addition to the previous productive version with a higher Log level (debug)
  • Configuration of the certificates in mock mode via GUI
  • Optimized log output: including ISO format for time stamps
  • Add Tailwind to package.json


  • No permanent caching of the connector.sds
  • missing User-Agent
  • further Bugfixes


  • Scheme validation of the redirect_uri

Version 2.2.0 (2022-07-29)


  • Proxy-Agent
  • User-Agent


  • change of focus
  • Code-Refactoring
  • Error code display

Version 2.1.0 (2022-07-08)


  • Organspenderegister-IDP and central IDP mock mode for developers and testers
  • Extension of the authenticator with a local web server endpoint as an alternative to the deep link
  • The FQDN check of the authenticator against the connector certificate is deactivated in the current version
  • Troubleshoot certificate processing
  • Starting with this version, the authenticator uses the library GOT for network communication

Version 2.0.0 (2022-06-20)


  • Central IDP service support: https://idp-ref.app.ti-dienste.de
  • Brainpool curve support (brainpoolP256r1)
  • Optimization UI
  • Update Dependencies
  • General bugfixes

Version 1.0.1 (2022-03-04)


  • For OGR
    • Improved error handling related to connectors
    • List created for assigning error codes
    • A message now appears when saving the settings
    • Formatting of the imprint optimized
    • Sensitive user data no longer appear in the log
    • Unnecessary SOAP responses no longer appear in the log
    • Improved designations of the input fields in the settings menu


  • Remote VerifyPIN
  • No labels