
We are pleased to announce the release of two updates:

TI-Messenger251-2 for TI-M Pro 1.0.2 and TI-Messenger251-1 for TI-M ePA 1.1.2.

Both releases focus on essential technical adjustments and clarifications without the need for a commentary procedure.

Common Features in Both Releases:

  • Urgent changes in data transmission were necessary for privacy reasons.
  • Several profiles have been deprecated due to changes in the Afo budget, affecting all product versions:
    • Provider Type
    • Product Type Client
    • Product Type FD
  • Removal of the obligation to deliver operational data and ad hoc reports.
  • Adjustment of events for federated and cross-sector communication.
  • Modification of the requirements for matrix modules.
  • Revision of the test concept examination procedure.

TI-Messenger25_1-1 Specific Adjustments for TI-M ePA 1.1.2:

  • Service: Adjustment of the examination procedure for ID_TOKEN deletion.
  • Service: Adjustment of matrix events when removing users from orphaned spaces.
  • Service: Addition of the "Entity Statement Publish" requirement.

TI-Messenger25_1-2 Specific Adjustments for TI-M Pro 1.0.2:

  • Provider: Introduction of a 24/7 contact point.
  • Client: Tracking adjustments.
  • Service: Adjustment of the TI-Messenger information interface from "MUST" to "SHOULD".

These updates aim to enhance the functionality and privacy of our systems, ensuring compliance with the latest standards and requirements.

You can find the releases here:

We are pleased to announce the beta release of the TI-M Test Suite Version 2. This release marks an important milestone towards making TI-M Pro and TI-M ePA available to end users.

What's included?


Feedback and Support:

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please create an issue directly in our GitHub repository.

Your feedback helps us continuously improve the test suite, supporting our goal of delivering secure and reliable healthcare communication solutions.

Reference Implementation:

The update for the reference implementation is scheduled for next Tuesday (11.03).

We wish you all successful testing!

Please find attached an example test run with the new release of the reference implementation. The tests can be started with the following command:

mvn clean verify -Pdont-break-preparation -DpoolGroupString="poolGroupString" \

-Dcucumber.filter.tags="@Ctl:BP or @Ctl:SchnittstellenDaten \

or @File:FeatureFile_00_01_V2_Basis \

or @File:FeatureFile_04_01_V2_Basis \

or @File:FeatureFile_04_04_V2_Basis \

or @File:FeatureFile_06_01_V2_Basis \

or @File:FeatureFile_06_03_V2_Basis \

or @File:FeatureFile_06_04_V2_Basis" | tee logfilename.txt

Before you start, you have to mark the following test cases with @WIP because these tests are still not implemented:




After that, you will execute the first 79 scenarios (158 test cases). Please feel free to execute the tests with your own test reference implementation, which you can order via the Gematik ITSM Portal.

NOTE: Our experience shows that early testing against the reference implementation is the single most important factor for a successful product approval. So, as the saying goes: the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the best time to start your TI-M testing is today.

Example test run:

We’re excited to announce the latest update to the TI-M Pro Light reference implementation, which brings several enhancements designed to improve your testing experience.

Key Updates

Matrix 1.11 Integration

This release includes an update to Matrix 1.11, allowing new test cases for both TI-M Pro and TI-M ePA. This is a significant step forward in ensuring the quality of your upcoming releases.

New Test Driver

We’re also introducing a new test driver that comes with its own clients. This means you can use the reference implementation without needing your own clients, making it easier to get TI-M ePA modules approved within the ePA FdV approval process. Plus- no additional TI-M Pro client required. In addition this will cut your test runtime to just a little over 20% of what it currently is!

HBA Card Upload

To take full advantage of these new features, you’ll need to upload HBA (Health Professional Card) cards. You can find detailed instructions in the user documentation here: User Documentation.

Ordering HBA Test Cards

You can order HBA test cards through the Fachportal. For more details, check out this link: Order HBA Test Cards.

Additional Resources

If you’re interested, the current version of the test suite is available here: Current Test Suite, along with the latest test cases: Current Test Cases.
We’re looking forward to the official first full (beta) release on GitHub by March 10th, which will include the test suite and test cases. We’ll keep you posted as the release date approaches.
Thank you for your continued support! We can’t wait to see how TI-M Pro and TI-M ePA will enhance communication in German healthcare!

Germany's healthcare system is on the brink of a significant digital upgrade with the introduction of the TI-Messenger, a key feature in the upcoming electronic patient record (ePA) releases. This innovation aims to streamline communication between healthcare providers and patients, enhancing the overall efficiency and accessibility of healthcare services.
The ePA Release 3.0.5, scheduled for July 2025, will introduce the TI-M ePA, specifically designed to facilitate communication between healthcare providers and insured patients. This development promises to improve interaction and information exchange, making healthcare services more responsive and patient-centered.
Looking ahead to early 2026, the ePA will expand the use of TI-M Pro, enabling insurance providers to integrate this tool for direct communication with insured patients. This feature will empower patients by providing them with a direct line to manage their healthcare coverage and related inquiries efficiently.
These advancements in the ePA system mark a significant step forward in digital healthcare, fostering better connectivity and engagement between all stakeholders involved.

We are happy to Relase the next version of out Tescases für TI-M Pro and we hope they will help you on your jurny to a scusessfull lunche. Plese be remainded that this is a pre release and will be an updatet version in a few weeks. In addion some of the Test cases can only be used for your internal testing, beouse our referenzimplementation needs to be updated bevor it supports all use casese.

In addion as a preparion for you TI-M ePA releases we provide you with the test cases for our Look & Feel workshon and the manuel test.

We wish you all a good weekend.

Test Cases without HBA functionality (Only for TI-M Pro for Health Insurance Providers)

Testsuite Testfälle (Basis&Pro) - Arbeitsstand - ProKrankenkasse (ohne HBA Funktionalität).zip

Test Cases with HBA functionality

Testsuite Testfälle (Basis&Pro) - Arbeitsstand -

We are excited to announce that we plan to refactor the Deletion Strategy for TI Messenger. The current concept for deleting rooms and content in the TI Messenger has been regularly questioned and criticized in feedback workshops and support requests. To address these concerns, we have developed a proposal for a clear, meaningful, and well-reasoned deletion strategy based on user stories.

This proposal is now available on GitHub.

We kindly ask for your feedback on this proposal to help us provide a robust solution in the specification. Your insights and suggestions will be invaluable in ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the new implementation.

Please take a moment to review the concept and share your thoughts. 

Thank you for your collaboration!


To assist you in obtaining approval for the TI-M Pro, we are publishing today the lists of manual tests and the tests for the Look and Feel Workshop. We hope these resources will help you prepare effectively for the approval process.

Please note that these lists are only for the TI-M Pro approvals and are not final. We may adjust them if necessary, and any changes will also be published here. You may wish to check back when you are nearing the start of your approval process to stay updated on any modifications.

We are committed to supporting you throughout this process and wish you success in your preparations.

Welcome to the new year! We're kicking things off with a fresh patch for our test suite. This update tidies up a few areas, including correcting a typo in the profile name 'dont-break-preparation.' We've also streamlined the build configuration and updated our dependencies to keep everything running smoothly.
As always, if you run into any issues, we’d love to hear from you. Please let us know by creating an issue on GitHub. Your feedback helps us make continuous improvements. Here's to a fantastic year ahead!


Test suite repository:

Full release notes:

Test driver API:

We are pleased to announce the release of a bug-fix update for the TI-Messenger documents. The updated versions are available at the following links:

For detailed information about the changes, please refer to the changelog:

The release TI-Messenger_24_2-1 includes corrections to the following documents:

Product Type TI-Messenger Pro Client

  • Domain-specific requirements removed (A_25805, A_25806, A_26017, A_26018)
  • Length limitation in reactions detailed (A_26227-01)
  • Missing requirement for the matrix modules added (A_25395-01)
  • Test-related requirements added (A_25392, TIP1-A_6526-01, TIP1-A_6529)
  • Administration of user accounts adjusted (A_26394-01, A_27147)
  • Removal of duplicate use case for search in VZD (AF_10061-04, AF_10235-01)
  • Adjustment of mandatory fields during chat creation (A_25813-01, A_26338-01)
  • Adjustments to app lock (A_25503-02, A_26512-01, A_27054)

Product Type TI-Messenger Pro FD

  • Length limitation in reactions detailed (A_26228-01)
  • Missing requirement for the matrix modules added (A_25395-01)
  • Test-related requirements added (A_25392, A_26241, TIP1-A_6526-01, TIP1-A_6529)
  • Removal of duplicate use case for search in VZD (AF_10061-04, AF_10235-01)
  • Requirement level adjusted (A_25628-01)

Provider TI-Messenger

  • Addition of requirement for 24/7 contact point (GS-A_5561)

The release TI-Messenger_24_3-1 includes corrections to the following documents:

Product Type TI-Messenger ePA

  • Domain-specific requirements removed (A_25805, A_25806, A_26017, A_26018)
  • Length limitation in reactions detailed (A_26227-01)
  • Missing requirement for the matrix modules added (A_25395-01)
  • Test-related requirements added (A_25392, TIP1-A_6526-01, TIP1-A_6529)
  • Administration of user accounts adjusted (A_26394-01)
  • Removal of duplicate use case for search in VZD (AF_10061-04, AF_10235-01)
  • Adjustment of mandatory fields during chat creation (A_25813-01, A_26338-01)
  • Adjustments to app lock (A_25503-02, A_26512-01, A_27054, A_27055)
  • Test procedures adjusted (A_26435)

Product Type TI-Messenger ePA FD

  • Length limitation in reactions detailed (A_26228-01)
  • Missing requirement for the matrix modules added (A_25395-01)
  • Test-related requirements added (A_25392, A_26241, TIP1-A_6526-01, TIP1-A_6529)
  • Removal of duplicate use case for search in VZD (AF_10061-04, AF_10235-01)
  • Requirement level adjusted (A_25628-01)

Provider TI-Messenger ePA

  • Addition of requirement for 24/7 contact point (GS-A_5561)

We are pleased to announce that the accreditation requests for TI-M Pro and TI-M ePA are now available online. This marks the next step in our journey to bring the TI-M Messenger to millions of insured individuals in Germany.

Key Details:

TI-M ePA Application Server Provider Accreditation: This specific accreditation is exclusively available to health insurance companies. However, if you are a health insurance company, you can be represented by a subcontractor of your choice, which you can specify in the application. Notably, we have waived the requirement for operator confirmation to simplify the process.
TI-M ePA Client Application: This component is included as part of the ePA FdV application, ensuring a comprehensive approach.
TI-M Pro Products: There are now two distinct applications for TI-M Pro products—one for the client and another for the application server. Despite the separation, we will continue to process both applications in parallel to ensure efficiency and timely approvals.

We invite you to submit your requests today by visiting our online portal at
We look forward to working with you and supporting your journey towards accreditation!

We are pleased to announce the pre-release of our test cases for the authorization concept for TI-M Pro. Please note that this is a pre-release, so there will be changes and fixes in future releases.
We hope this will assist you during your development process.

Download V2 here:

Berechtigungskonzept (Pro) - Arbeitsstand - authorization concept WIP -

We are excited to announce that the approval documents for TI-M ePA & TI-M Pro are now available online! You can finde them here.

Please note that the application requests will be available by the end of next week.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and a joyful first Advent! Christmas tree 

Today, we would like to inform you about the upcoming release of approval-relevant documents and the waiver of the operator confirmation (Betreiberbestätigung) for TI-M ePA servers.

We will release all approval-relevant documents and accreditation requests for TI-M ePA and TI-M Pro in calendar Week 49. Specifically for the TI-M ePA application server, we have made a change to the provider accreditation process. Our goal was to enhance our accreditation process to better align with your needs and in accordance with German laws. Therefore, we have decided to waive the operator confirmation and will only require provider accreditation for the TI-M ePA application server. This change will reduce both the cost and the number of accreditation processes.

In accordance with your wishes and needs as a health insurance company, you will have the opportunity to be represented in the accreditation process by your subcontractor. A subcontractor can represent multiple providers simultaneously. This representation includes the provision of all necessary documents for accreditation, the execution of the controlled commissioning (KIB), and serving as a point of contact in the ITSM system. The health insurance company will still be the legally responsible provider.

Release List of Approval-Relevant Documents:

  • Accreditation Requests scheduled for next week (49), 2024.
  • These documents include specific provider type profiles for TI-M ePA and TI-M Pro approvals.
    • gemZul_Prod_TI-M_Pro - Zulassung Dienst Produkte hier: TI-Messenger Pro mit den Produkttypen: TI-Messenger Pro Fachdienst und TI-Messenger Pro Client
    • gemZul_Prod_ePA_FdV - Zulassung Produkte der Telematikinfrastruktur hier: ePA-Frontend des Versicherten und Herstellerzulassung ePA-FdV (TI-M ePA Client)
    • gemZul_Prod_TI-M_FD_ePA - Zulassung Produkte hier: TI-Messenger ePA Fachdienst
    • gemZUL_Anbieter - Verfahrensbeschreibung Zulassungsverfahren für die Anbieter operativer Betriebsleistungen in der Telematikinfrastruktur (TI-M ePA, TI-M Pro)

Today, we would like to inform you about the upcoming dates for the adaptation of the test suite and the reference implementation for TI-M Pro 1.0 and TI-M ePA 1.1. This information is intended to assist you in aligning your planning accordingly. The adaptation of the reference implementation will continue until the beginning of March 2025. To give you the opportunity to start your testing early, we will provide you with three pre-releases to support your development needs.  As we understand that an earlier deployment would be helpful, our timeline is dictated by technical dependencies.

Important Dates:

Provision of the Adapted Reference Implementation:

  • Authorization concept TI-M ePA and Pro, calendar week 2, 2025 / TI-M 1.1.2
  • Matrix v1.11 TI-M ePA and Pro, calendar week 07, 2025 / TI-M Pro light
  • Further adjustments regarding TI-M Pro, calendar week 9, 2025 / TI-M Pro 

Versions of the Reference Implementation:

  • TI-M 1.1.2: Suitable for certification tests for TI-M 1.1.2 and testing during development.
  • TI-M Pro Light: Only for testing during development, with additional functions for TI-M Pro and TI-M ePA certification tests.
  • TI-M Pro: Suitable for certification tests for TI-M Pro and TI-M ePA, as well as testing during development.

Note 1: After the release of TI-M Pro light to the RU, we will no longer be able to perform certification tests and certifications for TI-M 1.1.2.
Note 2: There is no TI-M ePA reference implementation because the TI-M ePA is tested against TI-M Pro.

Test Preparation and Adjustments:

A pre-release contains the test suite with test cases and the test driver API. You can also find the current development status of the test driver API in our Git repository.

  • Pre-Release of test cases for the authorization concept, calendar week 48, 2024
  • Pre-Release of test cases for Matrix v1.11 TI-M ePA and Pro, calendar week 2, 2025
  • Pre-Release of test cases for adjustments regarding TI-M Pro, calendar week 5, 2025
  • Final release of the test suite and test driver API, calendar week 10, 2025
  • After the full release, we will still do fixes if necessary