Today, we would like to inform you about the upcoming release of approval-relevant documents and the waiver of the operator confirmation (Betreiberbestätigung) for TI-M ePA servers.

We will release all approval-relevant documents and accreditation requests for TI-M ePA and TI-M Pro in calendar Week 49. Specifically for the TI-M ePA application server, we have made a change to the provider accreditation process. Our goal was to enhance our accreditation process to better align with your needs and in accordance with German laws. Therefore, we have decided to waive the operator confirmation and will only require provider accreditation for the TI-M ePA application server. This change will reduce both the cost and the number of accreditation processes.

In accordance with your wishes and needs as a health insurance company, you will have the opportunity to be represented in the accreditation process by your subcontractor. A subcontractor can represent multiple providers simultaneously. This representation includes the provision of all necessary documents for accreditation, the execution of the controlled commissioning (KIB), and serving as a point of contact in the ITSM system. The health insurance company will still be the legally responsible provider.

Release List of Approval-Relevant Documents:

  • Accreditation Requests scheduled for next week (49), 2024.
  • These documents include specific provider type profiles for TI-M ePA and TI-M Pro approvals.
    • gemZul_Prod_TI-M_Pro - Zulassung Dienst Produkte hier: TI-Messenger Pro mit den Produkttypen: TI-Messenger Pro Fachdienst und TI-Messenger Pro Client
    • gemZul_Prod_ePA_FdV - Zulassung Produkte der Telematikinfrastruktur hier: ePA-Frontend des Versicherten und Herstellerzulassung ePA-FdV (TI-M ePA Client)
    • gemZul_Prod_TI-M_FD_ePA - Zulassung Produkte hier: TI-Messenger ePA Fachdienst
    • gemZUL_Anbieter - Verfahrensbeschreibung Zulassungsverfahren für die Anbieter operativer Betriebsleistungen in der Telematikinfrastruktur (TI-M ePA, TI-M Pro)
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